Eat Like A Boss!

I think it was Michael Pollan who first said it, but…

If you want an easy way to live healthy and fit, “Eat breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince, and Dinner like a Pauper.”

This is usually the opposite of how the western diet generally goes.

Breakfast is often fast paced, something quick to choke down so you can run out the door.

Lunch is a chance to relax a bit more and take your time before getting back to the grindstone.

And dinner is the main event, often eaten in front of the tv as we unwind from a hectic day.

Flipping that strategy can be a bit tough at first.

But it’s worth it if you want to create a lasting habit of healthy eating.


By making breakfast the most important, and even largest, meal of your day you’ll be able to save yourself an average of 300 calories throughout the rest of your day.

Starting your day off right builds its own momentum.

The hardest part is usually having the time.

This is where preparation is key.

  1. Have some healthy breakfasts ready to whip up.
  2. Make sure that you’re getting to bed early enough to wake up with time to spare.
  3. Eating something with protein will help keep you full throughout the day and save you from unwanted cravings later that can erode your willpower.

Some examples are eggs and bacon.

Or oatmeal and milk.

Breakfast cereals are usually full of sugar, which will actually make you hungrier as the day goes on.


  1. For lunch, use the Batch Cooking strategy I talk about to create a bunch of grab-on-the-go meals you can take with you to work.


  1. For dinner, add a side salad to your meals, or some veggies, since they fill you up fast and don’t add a lot of calories to your meal.
  2. And drink a big ol’ glass of water before you start eating.

Often by the end of the day we’re dehydrated and our thirst is often disguised as hunger.

Make this your new eating strategy and you’ll be dropping fat and feeling great in no time.

Coach Forrest

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