5 Ways to Reward Your Success

You’re doing great, kicking butt and working towards accomplishing your fitness and health goals.

It’s human nature to want to celebrate and reward yourself for the progress you’ve made as well as motivate yourself to keep going.

We’ve all been there and its a great place to be!

Here are 5 quick suggestions if you’re drawing a blank on healthy ways to pat yourself on the back:

Community 5k/Race

There are so many non-traditional 5k races these days and it can be fun to push yourself outside and enjoy the benefits of all the work you’ve done inside the gym.

I’ve done a couple Tough Mudders and smaller 5k mud and color runs and they were a blast!

Forrest has done a Spartan and I know he loved it.

Here‘s a link to a bunch of upcoming races in the Austin area.

Get a few gym friends together and have some fun!

Fitness Gear/Clothes

I have to admit that buying new clothes is up there with buying new tires…not my favorite way to spend money.

But it’s nice to buy smaller clothes, whether they’re for working out or going out.

If you’re more into gadgets and the like, there are all sorts of trackers like Fitbits and Nike+ Fuel Bands.

They even make water bottles that keep track of how much water you’re drinking.

Big or small, sometimes new fitness gear or clothes are great motivation to keep up the good work.

Relaxation massage

Such a great way to reward all the hours of work you’ve put your body through.

Massage lowers your cortisol levels (goodbye stress!) and can help increase your ability to recover.

If you have chronic pain or postural issues, massage can also begin to address these, leaving you feeling like a million bucks ?

Healthy New Restaurant

This is probably one of my favorites.

I’m such a foodie, and finding a healthy option dining out feels like a real treat!

A couple of my favorites around here are Pita Fusion in Round Rock and Inka Chicken just up the street.

You can also check out Yelp or Google for some reviews.

Share Your Success

Validation can be just the thing to keep you going.

Maybe it’s with your group of friends on Facebook or Twitter or, if you want to share your whole journey with us, let me or Forrest know–we’re always accepting member success stories!

Even just coming in during your next class and sharing that you’re down another 5 pounds–everyone here supports your success and would love to give you a high five.

A lot of the time we want to celebrate by going to dinner or out for a drink with friends.

When you’re eating right and working out, its easy to feel like there isn’t any other way to reward yourself.

Hopefully one of the above suggestions piques your interest.

See you in class!

–Coach Hannah

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